Sunday, December 13, 2009

School Update

"In the end, test grades won't matter, and our minuscule problems will be forgotten. All that will matter is how we loved, how much we laughed, and the memories we made along the way." ~Anonymous Pak Chi Sung, my classroom entertainer. Chi Sung is always dancing and I can't look at him without cracking up. He can look at you without smiling and do the silliest dances that makes everyone die laughing. The other day he asked if I knew the famous Korean folk song, Arirang, and I said I did. He then preceded to sing and dance to the whole song! It was quite entertaining and he is a great singer! Someday, I hope he becomes a comedian or has some job where he can be as silly as he wants. The Korean culture, in general, is so diligent working, but I hope he can spend most of his time being himself in a job that he loves. His imagination should run wild and bless this world with joy and laughter! Even with all the attention he receives, he is still so kind to all his classmates. For example, will stick up for someone if they are being picked on and sit next to them! What a talented little guy!
I think I have great students and I hope they have the opportunity and freedom to do what makes them happy.
Im Hyeng Jung and Che Han Jay, great students that work so hard. Hyung Jung is friends with the kids that live near my house so I see her often. They both are great students.
My two middle school (equivalent to our junior high level) students. In January, I should be getting several more mid school students, but these two guys and I have gone through a lot on our own. It literally has taken me two months to get them to talk with me!! They are so shy, which it typical to many Korean people, and they definitely aren't enthused about learning English. Middle school is such a hard period for students, because of all the pressure and tests they have in school. They often have to study seven days a week and go to full days of school Monday through Saturday. Grades in Middle school and High school are highly valued in this culture, but once you get into an university, you can relax a lot. My heart goes out to these guys. Sometimes, I have to make them take a walk or get a drink of water because they are falling asleep in mid sentence.
Some of my Chiquitas! They are so cute and they are always together. They help me keep the boys in line in class. Pak Ha Nil, the one in orange, will sometimes turn to a boy if they are speaking Korean in class and say "NO, KOREAN!" Ha ha, it is so funny! Women are generally quiet and conservative in the Korean culture, allowing the men to run the show, but I hope these girls never loose their feistiness and spunk!
An Shi Un and Chey Chi Won. They are never seen apart either. They come to class early almost every day and visit with me before the other students arrive. On Fridays, they arrive fifteen minutes early because they want to go first in the speaking test so that they can leave after. They are finally starting to use "I want to be first," "... second", instead of "my one!!" They have fun personalities, but they are always hitting the boys!
One of my classes! They are great kids and we usually have a lot of fun. These kids are soooo darn cute!
Most of my classes love "Simon says" and charades, which are great games for practicing English. I try to switch up games, but they love those two. Normally, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING (especially games), is decided with paper, rock, scissors (I even catch adults doing it)! We usually play when they finish their workbook. My Co-workers! Our hogwan is really small. Starting on the Left is our "Librarian teacher" (Kyun Hee), our director (Han Jee Han or Flora), our secretary (Julia), and my co-teacher (Sophia). We were celebrating Julia's birthday in this picture. Often times my co-workers are really busy, but I love it when we do things like this. Sophia and I still have lunch together every day. They all loved the hot chocolate I gave them and sometimes will send me home with Kimchi or a bag of tangerines.
Overall, everything is going great. I have to be flexible and patient. Normally, I am told things the minute they happen, but I am getting used to adjusting quickly. Next month, my schedule will change a bit, but I am excited for that. Whatever happens, happens.....

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