My Early Bird, Kang Yu Bin
Currently, I am in my tenth month. The seasons have made full circle and now the summer is hot and humid just as it was when I first arrived. This season's food specialties are smoothies (sooo delicious!) and Neng Mien (cold noodles). I'm in love with both and they are great with the heat!
Teaching is still going well. I've realized that most of the jobs I've had thus far in my life have included working with kids in different environments, and I am still not tired of them! It takes a lot of energy and patience, especially with the language barrier here, but I love how excited and creative kids are. It's very rewarding to teach and although the school environment will be very different in the US, I want to keep that as an option for when I get back.
My adult class is going well, but often times they are absent due to a lot of stress and long hours at their software company. It's incredible how many hours a day are spent at the company due to the fact that they are not paid hourly and get only a small bonus for overtime. Nevertheless, the girls are a lot of fun regardless of how tired they are. We discuss articles, hot topics, go over grammar, and free write. I enjoy the change from teaching highly energetic kids who all want your attention at once and often times try to out speak each other! Eeeeek!

Kang Yu Bin, Park Ji Oeng, Cha Sung Bin, Park Jun Hyeung

Kang Sung Bin and Hong Su Hyun with their shopping mall. I'm so glad pig tails are still in style, they are so cute!
Park Jun Hyeung
Nothing is perfect though. I think everyone, no matter where they are or what they are doing, has to work to enjoy things once they become commonplace. I still have challenges every day and moral conflicts, unfortunately most are at school with my director. We both will probably always disagree with our perspectives on rewards and punishments, but I think this is what has made me grow the most this year. Work relationships can be very difficult and sometimes feel impossible, I've realized, but it's an interesting experience learning how to deal with conflicts.
Everyday I have to tell myself where I am and be thankful for all my blessings. It is always difficult being away from family, but I try to put everything in perspective and keep connected with home with writing and calling. This blog has been great in helping me reflect on experiences since the weeks fly by so fast!
I find this interesting:
"If you are pained by external things,
it is not they that disturb you,
but your own judgment of them.
And it is in your power to wipe out
that judgment now." ~ Marcus Aurelius
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