the rain refresh you,
the wind move you,
the light lift you,
the silence comfort you,
And the Search fill you.
~ Kyle Baker
Beautiful Gwangju...

Hiking has been fantastic! It is so abundant, the scenery is beautiful, and it is a great way to get a feel for the Korean culture. I wish I would have taken pictures of the friends jenni, Mike, and I made on our five hour hike today, but the memories will have to do. There are several trails leading up to the peak of Mudungsan (mountain outside of Gwangju), which many people here like to hike. Hiking is Korea's favorite pass time. It is so social. Often times, hikers picnic on the mountain and everywhere you look friends are sharing mekju (Korean rice wine), soju (rice liquor), and beer. It is so funny and hikers have such a grand time! Just today, we were invited on several occasions to eat and drink with fellow hikers. We even invited others over to share our fruit tea from China after we heated it up with Mike's burner~ it feels good to give something back on this sharing society. People here will take your hand and put tangerines, cookies, crackers, and other edible gifts into it! It is hard to say no to drinks, because before you know it, someone proudly will hand you a paper cup of something strong and then say something like, "Hanguk wine- Very GOOOOD!" Like I've said over and over, Korean kindness and hospitality are so outstanding. Everyone wanted to know where we are from, what we are doing in Korea, and they wished us a good Korean life.


Volley ball has been beating me up... literally!!! It is my fault that I have been bumping the ball on the wrong part of the arm, hence the ugly bruise. Well, this injury is forcing me to do it the right way. Last week was such an awesome volley ball week! The games were competitive and I was able to set in the men's game! On Saturday, We practiced with a high school men's team; they were some of the best ball players I have seen and they were so tall! I couldn't believe it (six- seven feet range). I might have embarrassed these youngsters a bit by admiring them so much! Volley ball is going great and I love it more and more, but I think I should take a break this next week and heal!!

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