top: monster lili pads- they are everywhere and I think they are so cool! Mom would really like them :-)
Songsan Hyuyangji:
I met up with several other English teachers at a beautiful park outside of Gwangju. You have to cross a bridge to get to the small island park where people fish, play on the open fields, and picnic. The few hours I spent there were lovely and so relaxing, plus I met many new people. It is amazing to have a group of people, from all over the world, connect because of similar job experiences and become instant friends in this life-changing adventure. It's awesome! Most of the teacher's I have met so far are so open minded, well-traveled, understanding, kind, and interested in a lot of the same things I am interested in!
Also, I can't get over how great the transportation system is in South Korea- it is fantastic and it truly gives you the freedom to go wherever. I know I will need to go to parks similar to this one every once in awhile to escape from the city hustle-n-bustle, plus, I think it is great to meet up with other foreigners on occasion.
The night I turned 23 (24 in Korean), I went out to eat at a buffet- the grilled meat was so delicious (for some reason I thought about how much Karl would love this place!). It was there that I had my first soju drink- I will admit, it is just as disgusting as people say it is, but the Wild Turkey Whisky from Montana still beats it!
After dinner, a bunch of new friends and I went to an Ice bar (pictures above) where the mugs are made out of ice and when you are finished with your drink, you get to throw it against the wall at a target. If you hit the target right on, then you get either free fries or another beer. It was so awesome to have new friends- some that I just met that night- take me out for a good time on my birthday!
I also had my first mini stop at the very end of the night- he he. That was awesome. I will have to get a picture- I don't think I would give it justice to explain.
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