Monday, November 16, 2009

Moonlight Odyssey

"If you stop and listen, there is an ocean of silence. That is the stuff of my work. Where I go for ideas or solice or real texture." Anon

The Gwangju International Center invited foreigners to a beautiful outdoor concert near a temple outside of Gwangju. This concert was unique, because outdoor concerts aren't very common. It was held outdoors to celebrate the autumn season and to praise the full moon. We heard a Daegeum (bamboo) flute, a buk (Korean drum), gayageum (simular to a table harp), geomungo (stringed instrument plucked by a bamboo stick), and a few vocalists. The music was very soft and soothing, almost like rain or soft winds, similar to elements in nature. The men and woman vocalists had deep voices and they sang so passionately. I wish I would have known what they were singing about, and yet, it was fun to let your imagination wonder and make up your own meaning. The concert was wonderful. I appreciated the authentic Korean cultural experience.

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