Sophia is one of the three teachers from my hogwan. She has taken me under her wing and has showed me so much kindness. Her patience and tenderness with her students is inspiring and she is always willing to help. During the week, we meet everyday to have lunch before preparing for our afternoon classes. A restaurant around the corner delivers our lunches, which usually consists of sever types of delicious soups and side dishes to go along with our rice. Every day, the side dishes are different, with the exception off the beloved kimchi, so it is exciting to try out new traditional Korean foods. That hour is one of the times I look forward to most during the day. We make simple conversation since we don't speak each others language very well. It truly is an unique and sweet experience to become close to someone without a lot of words.
On September 21st, it was Sophia's birthday!!! I treated her by taking her out for coffee after lunch, she loves coffee. Then after our classes, the staff at our hogwan had a little party. The cake was delicious and beautifully decorated with several types of fruit. Baskin Robins is really popular here in Korea, especially for birthday cakes. I was happy to have celebrated Sophia's birthday with her.
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